As an employer, do you also notice that many employees come and go? You’re not the only one. There is a lot of staff turnover. A major reason for this is the minimal attention paid to personnel by employers.

Nowadays, staff is difficult to find and retain. We know. We’ve been there. The past two years during the corona period have not been easy and the labor market has made a complete turnaround. We, the We Are Key team, also had to reinvent the wheel. Yet we have learned a lot from this… And why should we keep it to ourselves?

“Your company becomes future-proof, more agile and can respond more easily to changes when you lift the knowledge and skills of employees to a higher level.”

In recent years, the importance of internal training has only increased. Companies quickly see learning and developing employees as an obligation, but when you list all the benefits, it should not feel like an obligation. It is actually an investment that saves costs in other areas. Your company becomes future-proof, more agile and can respond more easily to changes when you lift the knowledge and skills of employees to a higher level. In addition, staff training leads to more loyalty and motivation! Are you curious about which other benefits play a role? We have listed the most important ones for you here:

Beat your competitors and go for quality

Multiple studies have shown that well-trained staff are more productive, work more efficiently and deliver a higher quality of work. Well-trained staff make fewer mistakes and get more done in the same time. If, as an employer, you offer the opportunity to follow courses or training, job satisfaction is increased, resulting in better performance. The service provided to your customers is significantly improved in this way.

As an organization, you can respond to changes faster and easier if you have well-trained staff. As an organization you are also a lot more agile. The competitive position of the company improves if your staff is aware of changing laws and regulations and the latest developments in the field. Through training, your staff learns, among other things, how to apply new laws and regulations in practice and stay ahead of the competition by working according to the latest techniques and knowledge.

Your organization is growing

As an organization, are you also struggling with problems with filling vacancies? You are not the only one. But how do you solve this?

To largely solve this problem, options can be sought internally. Educating, retraining or training your staff can ensure that your staff is prepared to move on to other positions in the future and thus fill the vacancies. More knowledge means people can be optimally deployed within your company (also across the board). This is very useful when replacing colleagues due to turnover, busyness or illness.

It is also useful to train staff when your company has just emerged from a reorganization. It often happens that people are no longer in the right place after a reorganization. To make staff available for other activities or a completely different position, you can retrain or train staff. This way, as an organization, you can achieve certain goals without having to recruit people again!

“People have lost some of their connection with each other and that has had an impact on us. We at We Are Key would therefore like to emphasize that attention to your people, especially now, is essential.”

During the period during corona, many hotels were closed, which meant that many hotel staff could not go to work. People have lost some of their connection with each other and that has had an impact on us. We at We Are Key would therefore like to emphasize that attention to your people, especially now, is essential.

Become an attractive employer

Do you also want to be an attractive employer? Then do this by paying attention to your people. (Future) employees see it as a plus when the organization offers opportunities to follow training and education. As mentioned earlier, training ensures greater bonding of your staff, which in turn has a positive impact on your image as an employer. The organization is therefore more likely to be regarded as reliable and interesting by (future) employees.

It is not only considered interesting for (future) employees, but it will also be noticed by (potential) customers. When your organization takes good care of its people, by helping them develop, among other things, this will spread through the (labour) market. This shows (potential) customers that you are a ‘good company’ with qualified employees who have up-to-date knowledge. Win win!

High employee satisfaction: more loyal and motivated

Research by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) has shown that management staff are more satisfied and contribute to a good working atmosphere. It therefore has a positive impact on corporate culture when staff are trained. Through training, staff have a greater appreciation for the workplace and bond with the workplace, they remain more loyal to the organization and they are more motivated. This is of course also indirectly because education and training provide better growth opportunities within the company. At companies that offer training for staff, staff turnover is significantly lower. And that creates a good image for your organization!  

“Through training, staff have a greater appreciation for the workplace and bond with the workplace, they remain more loyal to the organization and they are more motivated.”

The people who receive training from us, We Are Key, are very satisfied with the training. The training gives them more knowledge and skills. Many employees have grown through Key from housekeeper to reception employee or even hotel managers. You can read various reviews on the website van We Are Key

Cost-saving instead of mandatory. How? 

A small investment with a big effect. That’s what it’s all about.

It is clear that educating and training staff not only costs more money, but ultimately generates money. In addition, you are entitled to certain subsidies when you, as an organization, provide training to your staff. It also provides tax benefits, because training costs are tax deductible.

Many organizations do not consider the fact that they can save costs with regard to recruitment and selection if they choose to retrain or train staff. This way you can fill a vacancy faster and you don’t have to look for an external worker to hire.

A counterargument that is often heard with regard to staff training is that employers are afraid that staff with all the knowledge they have acquired will subsequently leave the company to take a better position elsewhere. This can be prevented by making agreements with your staff about education and training. For example, draw up a contract that states that the employee must repay part of the course fee if he/she leaves the company within a number of years. You can also draw up a training plan together with your employees in which you set expectations and goals together. Work together on a growth plan! This keeps your staff ambitious and motivated and reduces the risk of turnover.

How do you deal with cultural differences?

Hospitality has a different meaning in many different cultures. For more information about this, we would like to refer you to the blog “Hospitality across cultures”. Trainings can be very effective in bringing people from different cultures closer together.

Curious about the training options for your company?

Did you know that education and training do not have to be at the expense of production capacity? We can adapt our training courses in such a way that it suits you as an employer and your team and is focused on what your company needs. To ask? Please feel free to contact us: we would love to hear what we can think about!

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